While in high school, Shontelle participated in a group called Cadets in which she was a drill sergeant over Rihanna, which sprouted a friendship.Shontelle began work on her debut studio album in early 2008, and completed the album in six months.

Shontelle's aunt, Kim Derrick, a Caribbean singer, encouraged her to pursue singing. Shontelle has stated that she was highly athletic when she was young, participating in track & field while excelling in school. Her second album, No Gravity, was released in September 2010.Shontelle was born in Saint James, Barbados, to Raymond and Beverley Layne, the oldest of three sisters. She released her debut album Shontelligence in November 2008. Shontelle Layne (born October 4, 1985), better known by her first name Shontelle, is an R&B singer-songwriter from Saint James, Barbados. If you are not satisfied with the search results for Shontelle - Impossible, we suggest you try again with more specific words like Shontelle - Impossible, or maybe you can directly enter other free mp3 music searches that are related.Shontelle - Impossible (Instrumental Version) MP3 Song by Ultimate Tribute Stars from the album Spring Training: 50 Hit Workout Songs. Press the download button, wait a few seconds and you will be ready to download free mp3.Choose a song from the playlist to listen to free music online ot download mp3.Enter the artist or song name in the search box.Download Shontelle - Impossible.ĭownload free music to MP3 is fast, easy and simple, you just have to follow these instructions. Now you can Download MP3 Shontelle - Impossible free and in the highest quality 320 kbps, this music online playlist contains 15 search results that were previously selected for you, here you will get the best songs and videos that are in fashion in this 2022, you can Download Music Shontelle Impossible Mp3 Download in various audio formats like MP3, WMA, iTunes, M4A, ACC. Music MP3 Shontelle - Impossible 100% FREE 2022