originally i planned on having the 500g usb drive on all the time but the noise is too annoying. Just swapped out my pc hard drive which was 60gigs for the 500gig hard drive that was in the maxtor. but i found i could get a lever off of those pillars i was talkin about if that helps any. Unplug the male connector from the power cord in your electrical wall outlet 3. Right-click on the Windows Unplug or Eject Hardware icon in your System Tray located at the bottom right order of your screen 2. Use whatever you can to hook or push the tabs, i won't tell you what i used otherwise i'd have to write a disclaimer. Disconnecting the Personal Storage 3200 1. When you get one you will know what i mean. push these out towards the ends of the case and presto. there are four clamps each with two tags on them. look even closer and you will also see the clamps that i mean. See the six slots on either side? yup? look into them under a good light or use a torch or whatever and you will see they all have a pillar (for want of a better word) each. there is a metal locking tab at each corner which simply slides outwards to release the covers. I then stopped backing up for awhile to attend to other stuff then had to.

I copied about 7 GB worth of data (Im backing up in advance of a drive reformat). If that fails, it will mean a hefty fee for the data recovery experts (google for some) or you consider the data lost.Well yeah he's gonna if he follows your advice! no offence intended, this being my first post like, but the case is really easy to open. Hello, So I installed my Maxtor PS 3200 external drive this afternoon without any problem-you basically just plug in the USB and XP recognizes instantly. If plugging to another computer (also try taking the internal HD out of that case and plug it directly to the IDE port of another computer) cannot recover your data, you can try software like GetDataBack, SpinRite, OnTrack Recovery, etc. The only thing that I can think of that can cause your data to go poof was the "Windows grinding to a halt" thing that may mean a malware infection. But Maxtor does not do data recovery, if you send the drive to them they give you a different one and do what they please with your old drive. I will try getting it on to another computer, if that fails is the data in there still retrievable? Would the maxtor guys be able to get to it or is it a complete write-off?There is a good chance the data is still there. Compatible with both Macs and PCs, this 500GB drive is a great data back-up and archive, especially for large. A 7200RPM motor and a 16MB buffer ensure high speed data transfers. I thought it risky to leave it on the computer and went out and bought the hard disk. The Maxtor Personal Storage 3200 series of external hard drives are high-speed, high-capacity 3.5' drives in a portable enclosure with USB2.0 connectivity.