Provided they are all set up correctly and have Upload Mode A ticked in Options sharing setup and are of course carrying out manual mlats on available XXnnnn targets, you should see plenty of. When the sampled were saved online someone had uploaded with a more recent time stamp than you. To: planeplottergroups.io Subject: Re: planeplotter Sharers in East Anglia Hi Geoff Attached are the Mode A Gs across E Anglia as at 1640 today. That is probably just due to the number of sharers or more likely the timing of your once per minute uploads. By combining the information from all the sharers who are receiving the. The first is PlanePlotter, which Ive mentioned lets you share with only one. PlanePlotter Download, This software receives and decodes live digital position. About your station not showing up more often. Like FlightRadar24, PlaneFinder offers two ways of sharing your data with them. It looks like the strange display as "p_p" and other strange underlining is just because of the way the browser is trying to display a link as underlined. If you look at the order the sharers are added 1=ns, 2=jT, 3=pp. And that was 4.15 in the morning your time. As you can see there are plenty of flights showing positions. Hi Paul, It looks like the share code is actually 'pp'. This is a screen shot of my Planeplotter aircraft list with the Chart centred on Portland. Two points, first I don't know why I don't appear (jT) after 16.25 as I was still plotting with yellow curves well after that time and second, why is the sharer column filled in with p_p with just one or two "real" sharers showing - what is the significance of p_p in this case? On Mon, at 11:26 AM, Paul Gulliver wrote: I was plotting the return of the U-2 earlier using XX6704 and decided to check the archive to see who was sharing besides myself.